Our experience in implementations


Technical difficulties and challenges in energy sector projects faced by project managers

It would seem that the construction of a power substation,...

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PROXAR® surge arresters meet the requirements of the IEEE C62.11-2020 standard

PROXAR® surge arresters, manufactured in Poland, meet the requirements of...

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How did the revision of the EN 60099-4 standard confirmed the high quality of Protektel® arresters?

The changes in the second edition of the EN 60099-4...

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How to properly select surge arresters for the new EC guidelines and regulations of Polish distribution companies?

The European Commission has put forward guidelines that increase the...

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PROXAR®. Unlimited trust.

Engineers and designers have no doubts about the quality of...

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Proper selection of surge arrester in industry and RES (Renewable Energy Sources) – why is it so important?

Surge arresters are devices without which it is difficult to...

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Get advice, talk to Daniel

Daniel Stempiń

Product Manager MV / HV at Protektel

Zdzisław Sendrowski

Product manager WN / HV at Protektel

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